(HUDSON, N.Y.) – For the sixth year running, Basilica Hudson hosts (Freak) Flag Day, a visual and performing arts celebration and party following the city’s conventional Flag Day celebration, on Saturday, June 10, starting at 6pm and continuing into the night.
The Basilica’s galleries and visual arts spaces will open to the public at 6pm, exhibiting a variety of new and continuing exhibitions. At sundown, the Basilica offers a front-row seat for the city’s spectacular fireworks display – one of the largest in the Hudson River Valley. At 8pm, a ticketed ($5) gothic electronic rave kicks off.
Free visual art from 6pm:
JIM KREWSON’S LOCAL CHARACTER: Basilica’s Back Gallery will host the opening of Local Character, the culmination of painter Jim Krewson’s May Artist-in-Residency, with his beautifully realistic portraits of Hudsonites on view. The exhibition will be open all night.
DAVE COLE’S FLAGS OF THE WORLD: In Basilica’s Main Hall, artist Dave Cole presents his large-scale work Flags of the World, a patchwork quilt of an American flag comprised entirely of an official United Nations Flags of the World set.
FLATSITTER’S LILY DALE (VR): Also on Basilica grounds will be Lily Dale, a virtual reality (VR) experience in an econoline shuttle bus called Dream Wanderer, created by Flatsitter. Lily Dale is an an exploration of spiritualism, vivid dreaming, and the afterlife, and is based on the beliefs of a small utopian community in Western New York.
KRIS PERRY’S REVOLUTION: As the sun sets, witness Kris Perry’s monumental kinetic sculpture Revolution, on the southwest corner of the Basilica grounds with the majestic Catskill mountain sunset as backdrop.
Gothic electronic rave from 8pm:
As nighttime falls, the world caves in with a gothic electronic rave set by SEVEN T*TS, Alger Moy, DJ Danny Cash Cash + DJ Lavish and SVB in Basilica’s West Wing.