Citywide Musical Fanfare Planned for NYC on Wednesday, April 29, at 7pm

(NEW YORK, N.Y.) – A newly composed symphonic fanfare called “For Our Courageous Workers” will be played by over 1,000 musicians and non-musicians alike on Wednesday, April 29, at 7pm, in New York City as part of the daily “cheer” honoring front-line workers serving the populace during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The score has been arranged so that everyone in the five boroughs can take part from the safety of their windows, rooftops, and doorways, be they professional musicians or amateur pot-bangers.

There are parts for all: musicians of any and every level — beginners, young musicians, amateurs, professionals on voices, strings, brass, winds, keyboards, drums — as well as for all the people of the city who can sing, bang on pots and pans, or just make a general racket.

Composers Frank London (of the Klezmatics), and Hajnal Pivnick and Dorian Wallace (of Tenth Intervention) have joined forces on this effort to bring the city together in a communal music project to honor the efforts of those risking their own health for the benefit of all.

Co-sponsors to date include The Brooklyn Conservatory of Music, Make Music New York, HONK NYC; and Seth Rogovoy Productions, LLC.

For more information, detailed instructions, and a downloadable score that does not require the ability to read music, go to “For Our Courageous Workers








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